God Believes in Love by Gene Robinson
Publisher: Knopf (September 2012)
208 pages, Audiobook (purchased myself for $9.56)
Book Rating: 5 Stars
Content Note: Includes Sexual Topics/Language
From religion to government, the debate about gay marriage has stirred up many emotions. In God Believes in Love: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage, author Gene Robinson puts together a thoughtful argument for same sex marriage. His arguments stem from both religious and secular perspectives.
This is not an “Us versus Them” type of book. This is not a “rousing of the troops” book either. It’s a sensible discussion about the merits of same sex marriage, spiritually and socially. It was very refreshing to read a book about a sensitive subject matter with no emotional quips, no denigration of the other side of the argument.
An easy read (it’s only 208 pages), this book has surprising depth in it’s arguments. I highly recommend this book for anybody.