Deeply Odd by Dean Koontz
Odd Thomas Series, Book 6
Publisher: Bantam (May 2013)
354 pages, eBook (purchased myself for $13.99)
Book Rating: 4 Stars
In this manuscript, Odd details his adventure involving some kidnapped children and a satanic cult, among other dark entities. Annamaria and Hitchcock, along with a few new acquaintances help Odd along the way, but largely, once again, Odd is on his own to sort things out for much of the story. I confess I’m more than a little disappointed in the direction this series has taken, seeming to value sensationalism over being true to the simple things that made the first couple books great. I love Odd’s character so much, that I feel compelled to continue reading the books, just to see what he’s been made to suffer this time, but Odd seems increasingly ill-prepared for the horror contained in each new book, and yet has no option other than to deal with it. If only he could return to his simple life as a fry cook in Pico Mundo and help the everyday lingering spirits of his small town, instead of being forced to solve the problems of the world at large. I look forward to reading the next and last book in the Odd series, Saint Odd, hoping it sees Odd returned home and reunited with Stormy at last.