The Poisoned Pilgrim by Oliver Potzsch
The Hangman's Daughter Series, Book 4
Publisher: AmazonCrossing (July 2013)
512 pages, eBook (purchased myself for $4.99)
Book Rating: 4 Stars
Content Note: Includes Swearing and Violence
Simon and Magdalena embark on an ill-fated pilgrimage to the monastery on the Holy Mountain, only to become involved in the sinister things going on there, dragging their two young children and the hangman along with them for the ride. Another great murder mystery unraveled by the hangman and his family, meeting a couple other hangmen along the way. I always find the relationship between hangmen interesting in these novels. Despite being married, Simon and Magdalena continue to spar as always, Magdalena is not exactly finding motherhood a bed of roses, and the hangman's weary yet loving interaction with his grandchildren all providing an interesting realistic quality to their relationships. And as always the hangman's blunt, sometimes crass way of putting things is endlessly entertaining. Enjoyable read, despite the sad ending. I hope to see more of Magdalena's brother, Georg, as he grows into adulthood in any books that follow.