Through the Narrows by Nathanael Green and Evan Ronan
Tomahawk and Saber Series, Book 2
Publisher: Calhoun Publishing (September 2015)
272 pages, eBook (borrowed from the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library)
Book Rating: 5 Stars
Content Note: Includes Swearing, Implied Sexual Situations
and Graphic Violence
and Graphic Violence
Hugh Pyke and Wolf Tongue are off on another thankless mission, this time investigating reports of indian attacks on Millers Town, a shady out-of-the-way place where they encountered scalpers the last time around. Hugh’s strong sense of duty can’t leave the townspeople to their fate when he finds a few good people do in fact reside there. Great story of battling against the odds and steadfast loyalty to a friend even when things get rough. So many interesting, complex characters fill the background of this story. This is a brutal, fast-paced adventure that keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole way through—I couldn’t put it down! Great story and I look forward to the next installment!