Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Patriarch Run by Benjamin Dancer

Patriarch Run by Benjamin Dancer
The Father Trilogy, Book 3
Publisher: Old Man Press (March 2014)
318 pages, eBook (provided by Author for review)
Book Rating: 5 Stars
Content Note: Includes Violence and Swearing

Billy’s father, Jack, has been gone for almost a decade, and Billy and his mother had moved past his abandonment the best they could, so when Jack returns bringing along the danger that follows him, Billy isn’t sure what to believe about his father or the fact that others are telling him his father is a traitor. Despite being book 3 in the trilogy, you do not need to have read the previous two books to appreciate this story (the books are joined by theme only, there are no common characters, etc). I found the style of writing a bit disorienting at first (moving between past and present, and from one person’s point-of-view to another’s), but felt it was that way on purpose—the reader is just as disoriented as the characters in the story. This story is a clever treatment of a controversial subject, couched in an entertaining action/adventure story that unravels like a mystery. All four of the main characters were complex and engaging, and I enjoyed being able to see each of their points-of-view at turns throughout the story. Great story and I look forward to reading its sequel!

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